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How to Speak the Leadership Code ,episode #2: Have a Mantra instead of "Vision Statement"

Having a clear vision is critical for any organization but only small amount of businesses actually have inspiring and effective vision that truly represents why they do what they do.

The main reason for it is that most companies have no clue about their final destination and why they do what they do.. most companies know their "WHAT" , the products they are selling or the services they provide.

They know "what they do" whether it is a pets food, a phone or a TV , but only few know and can articulate clearly , why they do what they do.

Vision comes from clear purpose and unfortunately many companies creating their own vision statement by taking 2 days workshop out of the office.

Don't get me wrong, in some cases taking this approach may works, but in most cases the outcome of taking this approach is a vague vision that sounds like this: "to be the best company in our industry" or "to be number one in customer service" .

The way I see it, this is not a vision but just a good outcome that you wish to get.

On a corporate level it is clearly important to have a vision but in this article I would like to propose another option for you to consider: having a MANTRA.

A mantra is a short slogan that presents your beliefs and what you stand for and you can use it to communicate a strong message.

Your mantra can come out from your vision statement or you can keep it simple and use your mantra as a powerful phrase that is automatically associated with your company ,your employees and your customers.

The Nike slogan "just do it" , intel slogan "intel inside" and Apple slogan "Think different" are all great examples of powerful messages that represents what those companies are stand for .

99.9% of people don't know or never heard the vision statement that intel ,Apple or nike has, but most of us can say in a blink of an eye who's the company behind the slogan "just do it'.

Try to find 3 or 4 words that describe your company's purpose . Try to avoid those 100 words or a long paragraph of vision statement that no one can remember ,and use instead 3-4 word Mantra.

The Swell Venture Academy mantra "every day is day one" represents our belief that your today's accomplishments are only the basis and the infrastructure for your next curve ,and you should never feel too comfortable in your position.

Therefore we are always strive to provide advanced tools and innovative ideas for anyone who wishes to become the best version of himself, so he can feel comfortable outside his comfort zone.

So, what is your MANTRA?

As always, I will see you on your next Swell Venture and don't forget ,

Every Day Is Day One !

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