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Some Managers Lead by Authority , Leaders Lead by UBUNTU!

UBUNTU is an idea from the Southern African

region which means literally "human-ness," and is often

translated as "humanity towards others," but is often used in a more

philosophical sense to mean "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that

connects all humanity"(Wikipedia).

UBUNTU is to put yourself as part of a team and helping others.

As a leader, you should develop your team as a group and as individuals by creating the opportunities for them to reach above their expectation and let them grow and become not just better employees but better persons.

Managers Lead by Authority , Leaders Lead by UBUNTU !

From management perspective, as the " UBUNTU Way" , leaders care about their teammates .

They invest time and energy in their employees and will be willing to make sacrifices to support their employees and to create excellent teams.

UBUNTU meaning, “I am what I am because of who we are”!!

To me , this is a powerful sentence.

Businesses become more and more global and the “one man show companies” are struggling to survive.

Use UBUNTU as a” WAY OF LIFE” and as a way to run your business.

Today, Companies are much more aware of the importance of teamwork ,and the focus on employee development keeps growing.

In many companies, you can find along the corridors, on the white boards and in meeting rooms, slogans and signs saying that "we put our employees in the centre". You can hear more and more CEO’s saying that “it all starts with our employees” ,”we could not have succeed without our employees” and much more bombastic words to demonstrate their appreciation and recognition…. Do feel the same in your company? Does your direct manager puts you in the centre? I believe that we still have a long way to go ,and the gap between the white board slogans and the reality is still big. Respect, Sharing, Trust , Caring ….those words are part of the UBUNTU DNA and should be part of your team DNA, and part of your DNA . As a leader, you have to build the foundations that provide the support and the environment to try new things , to take risks and even to fail have to allow them to break their own walls and reach above their OWN expectations. San Antonio an exceptional example that represents UBUNTU.....

San Antonio Spurs is an American professional basketball who have won the 2014 NBA championship. They played against the most talented

team in the NBA according to many, the Miami Heat, and they won. It was not just a 4-1 series win, but with significant lead where the spurs dominated the Heat in the entire series. It’s a story about a REAL TEAM WORK, a team without EGO, a team of multiple leaders who care for each other, play together and who had brought to the court the “old fashion” basketball way ............. where this game is all about teamwork. After the season-ending Game 5, LeBron James (Miami Heat team),which considered to be the best player in the NBA said in recognition of his opponents’ triumph:

“It’s all for the team, and it’s never about the individual. That’s how team basketball should be played. You know, it’s selfless.” Until next time , embrace the UBUNTU life to lead your team….

As Always,

See you on your next Swell Venture and don't forget ,

Every Day Is Day One !



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